Top 5 Hiking Trails for Dogs in Northern Colorado

January is “Walk Your Dog Month”, and we are lucky to live in an area that provides some of the best trails in America to enjoy with your furry family member! If you’re looking to do a trail walk or hike and wondering which ones allow…

A Pet is a Commitment, Not Just a Holiday Gift

Many families look to welcome new pets to their homes around the holidays. While new pets may initially seem to bring holiday cheer, it’s important to consider the level of commitment these new family members will require. Before you make…

Safety Moment: Pet Safety During the Holidays

It's amazing to think that there are only three weeks left in the year, which is still plenty of time for our furry family members to be exposed to possible dangers. This week, Larimer Humane Society Shelter Supervisor Lee Jones provides some…

Homemade Thanksgiving Dog Treats

Thanksgiving is Thursday, and as we discussed in this blog, your typical holiday foods can pose a danger to your furry family member. However, that doesn’t mean they need to be left out when indulging in the food of the season. Your dog is…

Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips

Tomorrow, millions of Americans are planning to gather with friends and family over a delicious meal to give thanks. And it can be tempting to everyone at your dinner table to sneak the pets a taste of one of the most delicious meals of the…

National Animal Shelter Week - How You Can Make a Difference

During this first full week in November, the staff at Larimer Humane Society is celebrating “National Animal Shelter Week,” and thanking everyone for the work and dedication in helping to protect animals in our community. This includes our…

Pets from Larimer Humane Society Celebrating Halloween

It's crazy to think that Halloween is now upon us! Kids are getting ready to practice socially-distanced trick or treating throughout Colorado as they get excited about how much candy they could walk away with on the big day. However, the day…

Protecting Your Pets from Wildfire Smoke

We’re getting ready to enter the month of November and have already experienced two major snowstorms that have blanketed northern Colorado. However, our most recent snowstorm isn’t a season-ending event for our fire season and we need to…