Please check that you understand and agree to the following:(Required) ____ All animals will need to be returned to NOCO Humane at the end of the fostering period unless a NOCO Humane Foster Department employee permits them to be adopted directly from foster.
____ Foster animals brought into your home may have contagious diseases that can infect your own animals or zoonotic diseases that may affect residents in your home if exposed. Foster animals should be confined to “their” area for at least 2 weeks.
____ Foster animals must be brought to the shelter facility as requested (usually every 2 weeks) for a recheck with NOCO Humane staff.
____ Puppies under 4 months can not be taken to public areas such as retail stores, dog parks, hiking trails, doggie day care facilities, and community parks. They should never be left alone in a car, regardless of temperature or weather condition.
____ Foster cats and kittens of any age are not permitted to be outside under any circumstance including under supervision.
____ The staff at NOCO Humane cannot guarantee the length of foster needed for any animal. If you are unable to personally care for foster animals due to an overnight absence from your home, illness, etc, the animals must be returned to NOCO Humane.
____ It is the foster parent’s responsibility to notify the NOCO Humane foster staff immediately if your contact information changes. If staff is unable to contact you for any longer than 48 hours, we reserve the right to remove the animals from your home via Animal Protection and Control.
_____ Cleaning (Fresh food and water, removal of visible feces and soiled laundry) of the foster area must be done daily.
_____ All enclosures, cages, benches, tables, tubs, etc., must be cleaned and then sanitized/disinfected after any one animal or group of animals ceases to occupy the space and before any other animal or group of animals occupies the same space or more often if necessary to maintain clean and sanitary conditions.
_____ Food and water containers, including self-feeders and self-waterers, must be cleaned and sanitized at least weekly, or more often if necessary, and between use by different animals or groups of animals.
_____ Unopened pet food must be stored in waterproof, closed containers or at least 4 inches off the floor. Opened pet food must be stored in waterproof, closed containers.
_____ No more than eight dogs or cats may be housed in any foster home at any time. A female dog with puppies under 8 weeks of age or a queen with kittens under 8 weeks of age will be considered one adult.
_____ Foster home understands and agrees to adhere to all relevant zoning and animal control codes and ordinances, whether local, county, or state.
_____ Foster parents are not permitted to self-diagnose illness or prescribe medication for foster animals. Any animal with a medical concern must be seen by a NOCO Humane veterinarian or the PETS Hospital, dependent on time of day.
_____ NOCO Humane maintains legal ownership of the animal(s) and retains the rights to determine the final disposition of the fostered animal(s).
_____ NOCO Humane staff members are always available to answer questions about these or any of our policies.
I have successfully completed the foster parent profile and have had/or will have my home inspected and approved for the Foster Care Program. While having foster animals at my residence, I agree to the following conditions:
If any of my foster animals become ill or injured, I will notify the Foster Care Department at the NOCO Humane immediately.
I understand and agree that the foster animal(s) are the exclusive property of the NOCO Humane. No ownership right whatsoever is transferred due to this Foster Care Agreement, and I agree to return the Foster animal(s) to the Society immediately upon request. I also understand and agree that the final disposition of any animal(s) under this Foster Care Agreement is at the sole discretion of the Society.
NOCO will conduct an annual inspection of my home and animal care facilities.
I understand and agree.